I thought I would fall off the earth
I thought I would fall off the earth
Was I too heavy or too small?
Was I too fickle or too grave?
I was floating
And I was real
Neither falling
Nor clinging
Neither leaving
Nor arriving
I thought I would fall off the earth
But all my heaviness
And all my lightness
Became weightless
and I went traceless
And I was gone
heavy blankets
with a raging storm
at my doorstep
I lock the doors
and shut the curtains
in my sweat soaked pillow cloud
heavy blankets replacing skies
my lungs expand
and shrivel
clottet fingers
knotted legs
sealed lips
firm ribs
we are the broken people
we are the broken people
we watch through glass
we scatter
we fall
we get up
we are the broken people
Sunburnt skin
Sunburnt skin
Distant memory
Fire marks
A story told